Thomas Duryea Logicalis
Thomas Duryea Logicalis
Thomas Duryea Logicalis has been selected as an ABA100® Winner for Project Management in The Australian Business Awards 2018. The Australian Business Award for Project Management recognises organisations that have successfully implemented initiatives that demonstrate excellence in project management.
“Thomas Duryea Logicalis is extremely excited to receive the ABA100 winner for project management in the 2018 Australian Business Awards. We are thrilled to be recognised for outstanding project management execution to deliver an excellent result. This award is testament to the focus, management and determination of both Thomas Duryea Logicalis and our customer Regis Aged Care. The team collaboratively worked together in setting project goals and a delivery plan, overcoming obstacles and driving to a successful outcome. This was a rewarding partnership, and truly a ‘team’ effort.”
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