Compass Housing Services

Compass Housing Services has been selected as an ABA100® Winner for Community Contribution in The Australian Business Awards 2022. The Australian Business Award for Community Contribution [CCA] recognises organisations that implement initiatives that have a positive impact on the community and generate outcomes that have a long-term benefit.

Compass Housing Services (Compass) is one of Australia’s largest non-government social housing providers with over 35 years of experience in providing secure and affordable housing and delivering housing products for disadvantaged people who have difficulties sourcing adequate housing. Compass provides tenancy and/or property management for over 6500 properties in New South Wales, Queensland, and New Zealand. In addition, Compass manages the residence of 103 Disability Group Homes in New South Wales, delivering high-quality disability respite and accommodation services. Compass is an enterprising and socially committed not-for-profit organisation that undertakes all aspects of tenancy and property management, including allocations and wait-list management. It has extensive experience in providing tailored tenancy services and tenant development initiatives. Compass’ Vision is that all people have appropriate and affordable shelter and are engaged in sustainable communities.

Compass has continued to adapt in response to the COVID-19 epidemic. Compass reorganised the regional, branch-based team of Tenant Engagement Officers to create a single national team. The team equipped the organisation to conduct over 5000 telephone welfare checks during the extended COVID crisis. This experience led to the establishment of the Compass national Specialist Community Participation Unit and the development of a new Social and Environmental Sustainability Team, in line with Compass’ commitment to social, economic and environmental sustainability and using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a framework in contributing to outcomes. Through their adaptation during Covid, Compass’ Community Participation Officers provided contactless delivery of over 2000 essential support packs.

Compass’ Community Participation Unit identified two Compass Complexes where tenants had lost contact with support services. Due to a lack of transportation, tenants were isolated from their wider community. Compass developed community engagement strategies in response, and despite issues brought about by Covid, Compass’ implementation has proven successful as they continue to deliver these strategies across all areas.

Compass implemented its Tenant Reference Group (TRG) program to allow tenants’ representatives to meet and discuss issues, challenges, ideas and suggestions for improving their services to tenants and to promote community development. The TRG report through the National tenant panel, the Our Voice Panel, which reports on matters and makes recommendations to the Compass Risk and Governance Committee and, ultimately, the Board of Directors. Compass’ Tenant Incentive Scheme (TIS) recognises tenants who have improved across various categories. Each area where they operate aims to nominate three tenants (at least) across the five categories to recognise positive outcomes. Nominations can come from staff or the Tenant Reference Group, and they have one winner each quarter who they recognise and celebrate. The process occurs four times a year, and the winners are issued a certificate and a $50 voucher.

Since the implementation of these programs, there have been many community benefits. Compass provides ongoing support and presence in the community during the extended Covid period, involving over 5000 welfare checks throughout lockdown and isolation to support tenants in staying home and safe. Compass also improved access to Covid vaccination and testing clinics for the most vulnerable communities. Also, Compass ensured there was recognition of tenants’ achievements, encouraging and empowering them in further goals and outcomes. There has been a marked increase in tenant volunteering in these communities, with volunteer hours of tenants engaged in their community more than doubling while continuing to capture interest for future opportunities. In Muswellbrook, these programs formed a volunteer gardening group that provides gardening support for older residents, including rubbish removal and advocacy. Residents in Muswellbrook from a challenging housing complex united around reshaping the complex common garden spaces and beautifying their common areas, and tenants that were previously isolated from neighbours engaged and became active in the community.

In Cessnock, this program supported the enrolment of 50 young people from a stigmatised estate into the PCYC, providing them access to sporting and social activities that they would not have been able to access due to financial hardship. Residents in Broken Hill joined a Friday afternoon Community afternoon tea where they cooked and shared delicious local and international recipes and economical cooking methods.

Also, multiple community gardens in all regions have improved social inclusion and good health and well-being.

For information about Compass Housing Services, visit

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