Australian Relief Organisation

Australian Relief Organisation has been recognised for Outstanding Achievement in The Australian Charity Awards 2016. The Australian Charity Award for Outstanding Achievement [OAA] recognises charitable organisations that have achieved outstanding results through initiatives that have significantly benefited charitable causes.

Australian Relief Organisation was established on August 2012 as a Not-For-Profit and Non-Government-Organisation that is involved in the development, relief and advocacy activities.

Over the last two years Australian Relief Organisation have delivered charity aid projects to 20 countries around the world, including the provision of food packages, clothing, water wells and monetary assistance. They’ve also established and refurbished three orphanages in Malawi, Cambodia and Sri Lanka, and have responded with emergency relief to earthquake victims in Nepal and flood victims in Bosnia.

The Australian Relief Organisation operate with partner organisations internationally to deliver services on the ground, working alongside governments and communities to adhere to relevant laws and overcome challenges. As part of this process they catalogue their programs for feedback and training purposes.

Locally, Australian Relief Organisation have raised money for NSW Bushfire victims, run kitchens for the homeless and developed refugee support programs. They’ve also organised several drug and gambling forums, hospital and aged care facility visits and have established a charity shop that sells new and used clothing.