Children’s University Australasia and Africa (Indian Ocean)

Children’s University Australasia and Africa (Indian Ocean) has been recognised for Outstanding Achievement in The Australian Charity Awards 2024. The Australian Charity Award for Outstanding Achievement [OAA] recognises charitable organisations that have achieved outstanding results through initiatives that have significantly benefited charitable causes.

The University of Adelaide is proud to be making a significant difference in reducing educational and social inequity through the innovative Children’s University Australasia and Africa (IO) program for young people (5-18).

Children’s University (CU) believes every child deserves an equitable and inclusive education to achieve their full potential. The program aims to redress the balance by offering children, especially those from marginalised backgrounds and remote/regional areas, opportunities to participate in outstanding extracurricular learning activities. 

Activities can range from immersive, high-tech experiences in university laboratories, museum scavenger hunts, speaking to a zookeeper, creating a paper city, trying out acrobatics or visiting a satellite launch pad. Activities are chosen to empower children with a love of learning and the skills and attributes that will last a lifetime. Facilitated visits to university campuses and local industries help break down perceived barriers to Higher Education, open eyes to opportunities and introduce children to exciting new possibilities. 

The success of Children’s University is a collective impact. A multi-layered learning network extends learning outside the classroom, bringing together schools, families, government departments, community groups, charities, local businesses, future industries, and other organisations that offer the potential for life-changing learning experiences. These learning partners share best practices and new ideas, co-create activities, provide support for new members, and give the program greater depth and scope, which in turn provides more opportunities for young people, their families, schools and communities.

Children’s University benefits more than just the students and families involved. CU-led school holiday programs bring communities together, raise awareness of local businesses and strengthen organisations through volunteering opportunities. The result is more robust communities where young people are given a chance to be viewed and valued whilst building networks that will hopefully last a lifetime.

Since its inception in 2013, Children’s University has experienced remarkable growth. From operating in one state with 44 members, they now span three countries with over 47,000 members, 517 schools, and the support of 930 Learning Destinations. This growth is a testament to the program’s effectiveness in providing actionable data that informs and improves learning outcomes for the most underrepresented and at-risk young people.

Children’s University looks forward to continuing to support children in discovering the joy of learning and finding their brightest future. 

Childrens University Australasia and Africa - ABA100 Community Contribution Awards 2024

To find out more about Children’s University Australasia and Africa (IO), visit

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